July 28, 2011 at 2:04 p.m.

Along The Ad Routes

By Mike Reilly-mreilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com

Lost in the shuffle a little with the Blues Fest going on last Saturday is Dodgeville's Maxwell Street Day. Several downtown businesses showed their wares outside of their buildings starting at 8 a.m. with people finding a lot of good bargains. Maxwell Street Day is traditionally the same day as the Blues Fest - the fourth Saturday of July.
It was pretty warm during the day Saturday, but the crowd at the Blues Fest grew and grew until the evening when the roped off area in the courthouse parking lot was pretty jammed packed with people enjoying some good conversation, food and beverage and listing (or dancing and cheering) to the music.
Also on Saturday I made it to the "Our Town" celebration in Highland for awhile. The park was bustling with activities - mainly for the youngsters with little league baseball games, a volleyball tournament and Kids' Olympics taking center stage. Some delicious looking chicken was being prepared in the afternoon for evening consumption.
The Dodgeville Knights Home Talent Baseball team won both their night league and Sunday league games last week. Those wins assured the of home games in at least the first round of play off action that starts in another week. Keep tabs in the paper for the schedule and take a moment to stop at Centennial Park and watch some of the hometown and area baseball players "do their thing" - it's some pretty good entertainment!
The Mineral Point Fire Department will be really bust on Saturday night, August 6th as they host both their steak feed and annual dance. At that same time, in Barneveld at Birch Lake, the annual Barneveld Luau will be going on. It starts on the 5th and ends on the 8th. But, on Thursday night (tonight) you can have a chance to support the Iowa County Historical Society at their annual Ice Cream Social. The Floyd School that is located there will also be open for tours at that same time.
The other day I almost had heart failure. I was crossing the main street in Dodgeville and an Iowa car stopped that coming from the south and an Illinois car stopped that was coming from the north. But - and this is what did it - a Wisconsin car swung around the Iowa car and could've clipped me, but stopped alongside the Iowa car when the driver saw me. Some day people will figure out that people stop at intersections for A REASON!