August 18, 2011 at 2:21 p.m.

Since you asked....

By Dodgeville School Superintendent Diane Messer-

I heard that Mitch Wainwright will be taking a job in Mineral Point. Who will be the new Principal at Dodgeville Middle School?
The school board will receive a recommendation at its August 23rd special meeting to appoint an interim principal at DMS from within, namely Mrs. Jacque Goetzke. Mrs. Goetzke is beginning her third year as Director of Instruction and Pupil Services. Prior to coming to Dodgeville she taught science at grades 6 through 12, served as principal for five years, and fulfilled curriculum and instruction leadership roles. Mrs. Goetzke will continue her directorship of Pupil Services along with the Principal position. District Administrator, Diane Messer, will oversee the curriculum and instruction roles.
When staff turnover occurs in mid to late August the candidate pool is significantly diminished and often limits a district's ability to select an individual with the leadership traits and expertise it is seeking. The district will conduct a principal search in the spring when more candidates are available to identify a permanent replacement for the DMS Principal opening.