April 14, 2011 at 3:12 p.m.

Along The Ad Routes

By Mike Reilly-mreilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com

There were young and "older" alike helping at the "Box Out" event held at the Dodgeville Army Reserve Center a week or so ago. The people who gathered there did so to send boxes to the reservists from the 469th EN CO FRG. who are overseas. Some 80+ people came out in support.
CDR Janet Lubinski Post 508, Dubuque, Iowa, who was in charge of the event said: "Thank You to the Community in & Around Dodgeville, Wisconsin. The belief one cares and aids a small minority group by performing a simple task can mean more than anything on this earth. Hurdles were overcome in many forms for the BOX OUT Event, (sponsored by VFW Post 508, Dubuque, Iowa) to happen on Saturday, April 2, 2011 at U.S. Army Reserve Center, Dodgeville, Wisconsin. On this day a lasting impression to soldiers, family members and those in the community who participated know what was meant "we can take pride in our actions." Those in attendance know because they came to aid in the packing of boxes for the 121 soldiers of the 469th EN CO MAC in Afghanistan (since October, 2010). They interacted with the family members by offering comforting support and offered assistance with sending their loved one a care package. This care package offers support and recognition to the soldier that those at home have not forgotten them in their separation from their family."
It was a beautiful "Opening Day" for the Dodgeville Knights Home Talent Baseball Team Sunday as they played Stoughton in an exhibition game. I can remember most opening days I'm in a sweatshirt and jacket, but Sunday I think it may've hit 75-80 degrees. Just being in shirt sleeves, I was plenty warm out there umpiring the bases. The local home talent team won 11-4 and four guys got a chance to pitch in the nine inning contest. Each of the four looked pretty good for a first game and the bats came alive some, too! I got yelled at on a couple of my calls, but that's par for the course. You have to remember, there's only one person's opinion on a call that really counts....the umpire!
It was great to see Dodgeville's "Local Flavor" for the Milwaukee Brewers shut out the Cubs over the weekend. I'm speaking of Chris Narveson, son of Dodgeville graduate Bruce and grandson of Dodgeville resident Elaine (Navey's). Chris was pretty tough on those Cubbies, striking out nine in seven innings. He likes to hit the ball, but in this game he didn't get a hit.
You can tell there are more and more out of state people in the area now that it is spring time. I must say that for the majority (at the moment) the Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota drivers I've seen on the main street have been pretty courteous and have been stopping for pedestrians in the crosswalks. Maybe it's FINALLY sunk into them tat it is law to do so!
Easter is just two weeks away and Mother's Day is just two weeks after Easter. Then we will be into graduation time. Where did the school year go?