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In Dodgeville, Wisconsin on Thursday, September 18, 1862 the Dodgeville Chronicle's first edition hit the streets. Abraham Lincoln was President and the Civil War was in full progress The front page carried mostly national news including an article about an Indian War in Iowa.

In 1863 expenses for the Chronicle consisted of $6 for labor, $2.50 for paper, lights and fire, $1.25 and rental of a room, $1.25.

In 1872 the cost of a yearly subscription to the paper was $1.20!

Over the years The Dodgeville Chronicle had several owners. In 1911 a gentleman by the name of Russell Kessler started working at the paper as a printers "devil" for a weekly wage of $7. In 1936 Kessler purchased the paper and became sole owner.

The year was 1939 when Kessler married Lillian Holt, however their life together was short as Kessler died in 1943.

After his death the duties of the Chronicle fell to Lillian. In the late 1960's Lillian saw her "dream come true" when her nephews Mike and Pat Reilly became part of the Chronicle staff.

Lillian died in 1984, but the Chronicle still lives on through Pat and Mike who are still co-publishers.

The Dodgeville Chronicle is located at 106 W Merrimac St, Dodgeville. Office hours are 8:00-5:00, Monday through Friday.