January 23, 2025 at 1:55 p.m.

Righteous Anger

Dear Editor,

A lifetime haunting memory burnished to my brain is the uncensored video of a woman burning to death on the NYC subway.  Even more disturbingly haunting is seeing people standing by doing nothing.  Barbaric.  When morally gutless coward DA Alvin Bragg prosecuted Good Samaritan Daniel Penny he prosecuted brotherly love itself that Jesus taught, which burned along with that woman.  She is a martyr of everything wrong with today’s morally bankrupt Democrat policies of superficial identity politics.  Penny’s wrongful prosecution sent a chilling message not to be a Good Samaritan to anyone.

With the stroke of his lying pen pardoning his son for crimes no legal analyst thought he was innocent of, Joe Biden cemented himself to history as a failed president.  With all the pardons he issued Biden proved what complete hypocrisy his administration has been.  He was AWOL from the start - Absent Without Leadership.  When he said twice on the 2020 campaign trail he was running for Senate he told everyone he wasn’t mentally fit for the office yet people voted for incompetence out of hate for another man who competently led the country and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.  Speaker of the House Johnson recently told Free Press journalist Bari Weiss he knew Biden was MIA mentally when he asked Biden about an executive order banning liquid natural gas exports to Europe which hurt Johnson’s Louisiana.  Biden thought the order was something else.  Every lying Democrat who covered up for him should be fired and excluded from serving us ever again.

Biden’s triple assault on the military left recruitment the worst in modern history.  The dishonorable betraying Afghanistan withdrawal, woke policies, and ordering the experimental Covid shot while enticing millions of illegals to enter the country without giving a damn about their status, made Americans unwilling to defend their own country.  I’ve had the honor to know local WWII vet heroes Dean Thomas and Lawrence “Bud” Rickey.  Rickey served as a tanker in the 3rd Army for a general who drove his men hard and could be crude, even mean.  That general was sometimes despised, even hated by his men but became a legend because he competently led bringing more of his men home alive like Bud Rickey than any other general in Europe.  That was George Patton.  A certain politician today known for mean tweets reminds me of Patton.  I went through infantry basic training with old school drill sergeants who perfected shark attacks so I have pretty thick skin but we are total fools if we can’t distinguish between competence and incompetence.

Forcing the lowest at-risk population for Covid to take an experimental vaccine, our military, was wrong.  Military service even without combat takes lives every year in training accidents and disease.  I had a close call with pneumonia. A childhood friend of mine and fellow DHS Class of ’78 graduate, Jim Jewell, came home from serving the Army in Desert Storm with inoperable brain tumor.  I visited him days before death.  He was only 34 when he died helping keep all of us free.

DEI policies are literally burning up California as I write.  DEI hire LAFD Deputy Chief and lesbian, Kristine Larson, thinks blaming the victim is her duty.  “He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire” is her response to being asked about lack of physical strength.  A huge reservoir sat empty awaiting minor repairs that should have been expedited.  If people burning alive and the city burning to the ground doesn’t wake Californians up to change leaders, nothing will.  My nephew serves in the 101st Airborne.  I've lived on Ft. Campbell visiting him.  A 5 ft nothing woman is in his infantry unit who doesn’t have the strength to carry him or much equipment.  The lives of everyone in his unit is in jeopardy because physical standards have been lowered for women.

I have righteous anger for another reason.  The attack on free speech by the Democrat Party is anti-American.  I don’t recognize anyone as American who is against free speech.  The Supreme Court has ruled numerous times on free speech.  After he suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election and saw the calamitous result of his action, Mark Zuckerberg is seeing the light.  He met with Trump at Mara Lago and pledged to get rid of his biased so called fact checkers and adopt Elon Musk’s X platform of community notes.  We may yet save the republic and humanity.

I have a couple predictions for the coming Trump years.  I think Putin will be deposed in a bloody coup no one will see coming.  He has led by the sword and will die by it.  I think Trump will shepherd a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia and get nominated again for the Nobel Peace Prize and win it this time.

Gregory Erickson, Dodgeville, WI

Infantry Veteran and Constitution Defender