March 8, 2024 at 2:10 p.m.

Yes, Mineral Point township it’s a sad day!

Dear Editor,

It’s a sad day when we have over 200 constituents sign a petition asking our Mineral Point town board to consider a health and safety wind licensing ordinance and the board refuses to put it on the agenda for discussion. Our town chairman, Gary Sullivan, won't even put it on the agenda to allow us to  drop the petitions off during a meeting. Gary has done his own research and has made up his mind.

Where is the democracy in this situation? How can your town board function properly when the supervisors, Eric Argall and Dr. Everett Lindsey, have signed wind energy contracts for their land.  These two stand in the way of having a quorum to vote on issues regarding wind energy projects and and anything related to them. They have been asked to step down and have refused. People need to step up and make themselves heard. 

Show up at your town board meetings and speak up during the public comment period. Numerous people have thanked me for what I’m doing but few ever want to be involved. Yes, there are those that signed the petition- thank you to those people for trying to make a difference. I and a handful of others are attempting to preserve the beauty of our countryside.

More people need to get motivated to save our area from becoming an industrial wind turbine and solar field wasteland.. There are things we can do and we can do it together if we help each other out. Don’t let these private energy development wreck our countryside by signing easements or good neighbor agreements. Just don’t sign. We can make a difference. A health and safety wind licensing ordinance will help protect ALL citizens, if you have signed a contract or not, of Mineral Point town, which is why numerous other towns have enacted these ordinances already.

Everyone should have a choice when it comes to these green energy projects, not just the ones that benefit monitarily. 

Steve Ferrell

Iowa County landowner