March 1, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

Non-Partisanship is no more

Dear Editor,

Early in my education, I learned the purpose of the three branches  of government, which were reaffirmed in high school, college and beyond.

Legislature makes the laws, Executive enforces the laws, and Judicial interprets the laws. The Judicial does not legislate. Sadly, since the last election that is no longer the case. During the last election, the NON-PARTISAN candidate campaigned on redistricting and abortions rights. Traditionally judges and justices do not telegraph views on issues certain to come before them. While this behavior may not be illegal, it is probably unprecedented and certainly unethical. 

Sadly, costly campaigns have taken judicial elections out of the realm of non-partisanship. 

During the last redistricting mapping the Lefties were in an uproar, whining and moaning that Republicans unfairly Gerrymandered for their own purposes. Now that the Lefties think they are in power, they are so righteous in their Gerrymandering to manipulate the maps so pockets of Democrats can leach into usual Republican districts. Sound a "bit" hypocritical don't you think? And what about the Iowa model they praised so highly 

WAKE UP, People! WAKE UP, Republicans. You need to work tirelessly to defeat every Democrat candidate if there is any hope of retaining Constitutionally given rights and freedoms. 

Marcella Danti

Livingston, WI