April 20, 2023 at 11:03 a.m.

Iowa County announces grants for rec funding

Iowa County is offering a one-time grant opportunity for projects that increase or improve outdoor recreation-based tourism in the County. A total of $50,000 is available; eligible entities include non-profit organizations, schools, and municipalities.
"We are looking for proposals that will bring people to Iowa County to enjoy the outdoors," said Larry Bierke, Iowa County Administrator. "These types of projects can help both our environment and the local economy.
Half of the grant award will be paid in advance, and projects should be completed by the end of 2024.
"The funding is flexible with the type of expenses it can cover and the amount that can be requested, so local groups can craft a proposal for what they need the most," said Katie Abbott, County Conservationist.
Applications must be received by 4:30 pm on Friday May 12, 2023. Contact Katie Abbott with any questions: 608-930-9893 or katherine.abbott@iowacounty.org. Additional information as well as the application form can be found online at https://tinyurl.com/2023recgrant.